Vanilla JavaScript Comparison Operators

β€” 4 minute read


Yesterday we looked at the difference between the == and === comparison operator. These are used to compare two values or objects. But there are more comparison operators in JavaScript we can leverage.

JavaScript Comparison Operators permalink

Within JavaScript, we can leverage the following comparison operators. I've written down a table below to have a quick reference.

==Equal tox == 10
x == 3
x == "3"
===Equal value and typex === 3
x === "3"
!=Not equalx != 10
x != "3"
!==Not equal value and typex !== "3"
x !== 3
>Bigger thanx > 2true
<Smaller thanx < 4true
>=Bigger than or equalx >= 3true
<=Smaller than or equalx <= 3true

The == and === we discussed in detail yesterday.

JavaScript != and !== Comparison permalink

As you can guess, these are very similar to the == and === but the ! Means not in most programming languages. So these will compare if the value is NOT what we compare it to. And the !== will even check for the correct type.

x = 3;

<!-- != comparison -->
console.log(x != 10) // true
console.log(x != "3") // false

<!-- !== comparison -->
console.log(x !== "3") // true
console.log(x !== 3) // false

As you can see in the second example it will think the string number three is wrong.

JavaScript Smaller and Bigger Than Comparison permalink

The next ones are all in regards to smaller than or bigger than:

<!-- > comparison -->
console.log(x > 2) // true

<!-- < comparison -->
console.log(x < 4) // true

<!-- >= comparison -->
console.log(x >= 3) // true

<!-- <= comparison -->
console.log(x <= 3) // true

So note > is just for bigger than and >= also includes the actual number itself. Same goes for < and <=.

Feel free to explore the following Codepen.

See the Pen Vanilla JavaScript Comparison Operators by Chris Bongers (@rebelchris) on CodePen.

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