Using Google Fonts in a Tailwind project

— 4 minute read


Many websites leverage Google Fonts to introduce cool and unique fonts to a website. And fonts can make or break you're website. Let's take a look at how we can introduce a Google Font into the plain HTML Tailwind starter we made yesterday.

If you're looking for any project, check out my article on how to use Google Fonts

For Tailwind, the process is similar, but we'll use some handy features of the Tailwind config.

The end result will look like this:

Custom Google Font in Tailwind CSS

Loading a Google font permalink

First of all, head over to Google Fonts and find a cool font you want to use.

Open up the font and click the "Select this style" button for each style you like.

Select Google Font style

With it selected, you'll get a sidebar on the right showing the <link> attribute for it. Copy this link method.

Now head back to your project and open the index.html file. We'll place this import above our styles.css file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- other stuff -->
<link rel="preconnect" href="" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />

Note: The second link is specific to the font you picked.

Making the Google font available in Tailwind permalink

Now let's extend our Tailwind theme to have it know about this font.

Open the tailwind.config.js file and extend the theme's fontFamily option.

module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
'press-start': ['"Press Start 2P"', 'cursive']

If your font like this example uses spaces, it's best to use the double escape '" it will make sure it's used in the right way.

Our font will now be available as font-press-start we can add this to our heading on the homepage like this:

<h1 class="text-6xl font-press-start">Welcome</h1>

And that will render the following:

Google font loaded in Tailwind

You can find this full code on the following GitHub repo.

Thank you for reading, and let's connect! permalink

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