Tailwind CSS full-screen video header

β€” 5 minute read


Call me old-school, but I love to see video headers. Hardly do I have a use for them on my personal website, but I love to implement a video header for clients with stunning videos.

In this tutorial I want to teach you how to implement a full-screen background video. We are only going to use the classes of Tailwind CSS.

The end result is this stunning full-screen video header using only Tailwind CSS:


Tailwind CSS full-screen video background permalink

To create this background, we are leveraging yesterday's Tailwind parallax header. It has a very similar setup, only now we don't make it parallax scroll.

The basic HTML structure will look like this:

<div>Welcome to my site!</div>
<video autoplay loop muted>
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
Your browser does not support the video tag.

You can see we used an HTML header tag. In there, we have a div that will hold a block that will sit on top of the video. Then we have a video tag, which can hold a video or multiple sources.

I will now write down the end HTML structure and then go through the importance of each class.

<header class="relative flex items-center justify-center h-screen mb-12 overflow-hidden">
class="relative z-30 p-5 text-2xl text-white bg-purple-300 bg-opacity-50 rounded-xl"

Welcome to my site!
class="absolute z-10 w-auto min-w-full min-h-full max-w-none"


Your browser does not support the video tag.

The classes used for the video background:

  • relative: Makes the header element relative. We will make the video absolute to position it.
  • flex: Adds a display flex so we can align the text block inside
  • items-center: Aligns the text-block vertically
  • justify-center: Aligns the text-block horizontally
  • h-screen: The h-screen adds a 100vh height, so the video is scaled to 100% of the viewport height.
  • mb-12: We add quite a big margin-bottom with this (3rem)
  • overflow-hidden: The video will be slightly bigger than our header, so we don't want to show the overflow.

Then for our overlay text block, we use the following classes:

  • relative: We need to make this relative, to place it on top of the video
  • z-30: This needs to be higher than the z-index on the video
  • p-5: Adds equal padding on each side (1.25rem)
  • text-2xl: Makes the text nice and big (1.5rem)
  • text-white: Make the text white
  • bg-purple-300: A nice cool purple color
  • bg-opacity-50: This one makes sure the background has an opacity of 50%.
  • rounded-xl: Adds the nice rounder borders

And last but not least, we can add the classes for our video element:

  • absolute: The video is an absolute positioned element
  • z-10: We give the video a lower z-index than our text-block to keep it in the background
  • w-auto: The width can be auto, so it will adjust
  • min-w-full: We need to make the min-width 100%
  • min-h-full: The same goes for the min-height
  • max-w-none: Unset the default max-width

With this, we have all our classes in place. This will give us a very nice full-screen video header using only Tailwind CSS classes.

See the code example in this Codepen permalink

See the Pen Tailwind CSS video header by Chris Bongers (@rebelchris) on CodePen.

Thank you for reading, and let's connect! permalink

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