SVG Blur Filter
permalinkSome time ago, we played around with SVG
animteTransform, and I got feedback from people saying they didn't even know it exists. Today we are going to look into SVG
Filters, something you might also never seen before.
A filter element can be added to an SVG
object, there are many filters, but today we are looking into the Blur filter since I recently needed one.
HTML Setup permalink
As for our HTML
we are using the following code:
style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;"
<symbol id="check" viewBox="1 1 15.6 11.9">
d="M16.3 4l-8.6 8.6c-.2.2-.4.3-.7.3-.3 0-.5-.1-.7-.3l-5-5C1.1 7.5 1 7.2 1 7c0-.3.1-.5.3-.7l1.4-1.4c.2-.2.4-.3.7-.3.3 0 . 3 6.6-6.6c0-.2.3-.3.5-.3.3 0 . 1.4c. 0 .2-.1.4-.3.6"
<filter id="blur">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="5" />
As you see we added our filter in our defs part. It will apply a gaussian blur of 5, the id is blur
which is going to be used to apply it to SVG
Using the SVG Filter permalink
To use the SVG Filter we can use the following code.
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="icon icon-check">
<use xlink:href="#check" />
<svg aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="icon icon-check">
<use filter="url(#blur)" xlink:href="#check" />
The first icon won't have any blur, and the second will have the blur filter applied.
Applying the Filter Directly permalink
We can however also omit the sprite and use the filters as such:
<filter id="blur">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="5" />
<rect width="60" height="60" x="20" y="20" fill="#534B62" />
<rect width="60" height="60" x="120" y="20" fill="#534B62" filter="url(#blur)" />
Awesome right? There are many more awesome filters in SVG
, I'm sure we'll touch base on them someday.
See the Blur Filter in action on this Codepen.
See the Pen SVG Blur Filter by Chris Bongers (@rebelchris) on CodePen.
Browser Support permalink
You won't believe this, but SVG Filters have really good browser support!
Thank you for reading, and let's connect! permalink
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