Some console command you might not know

β€” 4 minute read


When it comes to debugging code, there are many options, but I find myself relying on console.logs quite often.

It's a quick and complete way to log a data set at a certain point or see where the code returns.

By all means, it may not be the best way, but it's widely used.

Did you know you can do more than a plain console.log?

Grouping console logs permalink

A super handy console command is to group-specific logs. You can easily start a new group with'name') and end it with console.groupEnd('name').

The name of the group can be any string you would like it to be.

An example can look like this:'test group');
console.log('log line 1');
console.error('Something went wrong in the group');
console.groupEnd('test group');

This will show up as:

Console group commands

Console log a table permalink

Ever needed to display a giant JSON array? It can be tedious the show a larger array in the console.

But there is an option to display this as a table.

const myArray = [
title: 'Article 1',
views: 400,
url: ''
title: 'Article 2',
views: 6500,
url: ''

Console table command

Console count permalink

Another super useful command is the console.count command. It can be used to count how often a loop is run, for instance.

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Do something
console.count('loop one');

You can provide a label as we did above.

Console loops

Console log/info/debug/warn/error permalink

Besides your default console.log, you might want to show data a little differently. Hence you can use one of the following to make it appear so:

  • console.debug
  • console.warn
  • console.error

They will show up like this:

Different log levels

Note: The info used to have its own icon but seems to be mixed with a regular log now.

With these, you can easily filter on the different levels.

Console log levels

Other console commands permalink

There are some other console commands that can be useful.

And some we might cover in a later stage:

  • console.assert
  • console.dir
  • console.trace
  • console.clear

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