JavaScript every() method

β€” 3 minute read


Yesterday we had a look at the JavaScript some() method, and today we will focus on its brother every().

The main difference between the two:

  • some(): If at least one matches
  • every(): All must match!

Both of them will give us a boolean value back.

Using the Javascript every() method permalink

Let's start by creating an array of items.

const items = [
{name: 'T-shirt plain', price: 9},
{name: 'T-shirt print', price: 20},
{name: 'Jeans', price: 30},
{name: 'Cap', price: 5},

We want to check if all the items have a name.

const haveNames = items.every((item) => {

// Returns true

If we now remove the name on our item, it will return false.

Let's take a more accurate example. We have a list of users with temperatures. We want to see if everyone is under 37.8, else someone potentially risks Covid-19.

const users = [
{name: 'Bob', temperature: 36.3},
{name: 'Sarah', temperature: 37.9},
{name: 'Billy', temperature: 36.9},

const temperature = users.every((user) => {
return user.temperature < 37.8;

// Returns false

Whoops! Sarah has a high temperature, so now we get a false back, which means we need to do something.

I hope this shows how one line can beat an array to loop over people.

The syntax for every is as follows:

const new = original.every(function(value));

Inside our function, we can check on specific properties the value has.

And remember:

Stay safe

Thank you for reading, and let's connect! permalink

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