Console log with params

β€” 3 minute read


Let's have a look at our best friend, console.log! It's such an amazing "tool" if we can call it that. Logging is just making our life so much easier, and I use it all the time.

But did you know we can pass params in console.logs?

Console.log with params

Types of params in console.log permalink

  • Strings: Use %s
  • Integer: Use %d or %i
  • Floats: Use %f
  • Object hyperlink: Use %o

These are more than enough types and can come in handy!

How to use params in console.log permalink

To use params, we can place them in our console log as such:

console.log('This %s will return the number %d', 'string', 10);
// This string will return the number 10

As you can see, we can give it multiple params at once. These are read in the order inputted.

So in the above's example, it will be %s first then %d.

Let's give them all a try:

console.log('Let us %s a string', 'print');
// Let us print a string

console.log('The number %d is not the same as %i', 10, 11);
// The number 10 is not the same as 11

console.log('Even a float like %f will work', 10.233);
// Even a float like 10.233 will work

console.log('There is a good link: %o', '');
// There is a good link: ""

Yes, you can also just add this in, but I prefer this way, just neater code and more readable!

Give it a try on your next project.

Find this example on Codepen.

See the Pen Console log with params by Chris Bongers (@rebelchris) on CodePen.

Thank you for reading, and let's connect! permalink

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